Uh oh, time to start thinking of tax time…usually not anyone’s favorite subject! All 1099’s will be sent out by January 31st, so look for yours in the mail. Remember, if you receive payments without taxes taken out, it is up to you to put aside at least 30% of the total in savings for your taxes. If you worked any film or television, you will be forwarded a W-2 (due to be sent by 2/29/11) showing the taxes that were taken out of your pay already. Whether you receive one or the other, this is the time to get your records in order. Save all receipts for expenses you incurred for your profession (check with a tax consultant on exactly what can be deducted as expenses). But it’s always better to save everything than try to come up from memory what your expenses were for last year. I always recommend to models/talent to purchase an simple accordion file folder (from Staples or Office Depot), and just throw receipts in there all year so they are at least all in one place (i.e., parking, gas, per diem, printing expenses, etc.). If you didn’t do it last year for 2010, then this is the time to start for 2011! Good luck, Elaine

2017-05-17 11:52:53January 15th, 2011

Wow, welcome 2011! Or, like my kids would say about the number 11…”it’s like you are #1 twice!” So, we are anticipating a great year…it looks like retail sales were slightly up this past holiday shopping season and that usually turns around for more work for more models! This is the time to work on our 2011 look and body; don’t just make resolutions, but keep them! Think about getting everything in ship shape and healthy, then get new pictures! 🙂 Our clients want to see the new 2011 you and there is no time like the present!

2017-05-17 11:51:20January 1st, 2011

A big thank you to all our fit models that worked so hard this year to maintain their measurements and serve our accounts with the professionalism that comes from a RAGE model! We have received so many compliments from companies about our models lately, that I just had to pass it along!

2017-05-17 11:49:17December 15th, 2010

The RAGE models had a lot of fun tonight as they turned out as ball girls for the Calabasas Pro Challenger tennis tournament. The Calabasas Pro Challenger is one of the few pro tournaments in the LA area and the models were excited that this year it drew new and upcoming 18 yr. old Ryan Harrison (who had just played in the US Open). Luckily, Ryan was able to keep his focus on tennis, even with the RAGE models around, and pull off the doubles win with his partner, Travis Rettenmaier! Oh, and my 12 yr. old son, Gibson, had a little fun too! lol

2017-05-17 11:46:51October 22nd, 2010

Some of you might think the hazards of being a model include breaking a nail, getting a pimple, or tripping on the runway….but two of our models were involved in a real-life hazard just today as they found them- selves in the middle of an LA bomb threat! Lisa Jay and Holly Parker were working in downtown LA for a long-time client of ours, when a suspicious package was called in…before they knew it, the streets outside the California Mart were swarming with SWAT teams, patrol cars, and a bomb robot. They were all immediately evacuated from the building…however we had models working on the other side of the building that never knew a thing was happening…apparently the bomb squad thought only half the building would blow up? Hmmm Anyway, Lisa Jay and Holly strolled down the street to have coffee and then returned to the showroom after they were given the clear to return to work…nice way to handle it girls! That’s a RAGE model!

2017-05-17 11:44:56October 5th, 2010